Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nothing like a GOOD sick day.

medicine So don't you hate how you go to the store feeling yucky to stand in the cold medicine aisle looking for the right stuff to take ( even harder when pregnant) for 45 minutes just to come home and take the medicine and realise that you bought two medicines for the nighttime. Remember this is after already taking the stuff so in a few short minutes you are passed out cold! Nothing like a GOOD sick day!!!


Hacking it up said...

Dang. Sorry you're sick! It's even worse when you've still got a little one to take care of!!...hope you're feeling better soon! the mean time, milk it by letting your hubby doing everything for you! :)

Unknown said...

Oh you poor thing! I read on your mom's blog that you've all been sick...NO FUN! I hope you get feeling better real soon.
PS thanks for the info on Todd Parr's books. I went to the website and fell in LOVE with his books. I will be buying some very soon and he's got one coming out soon that's on adoption so I'm excited!

Cammie said...

A good sick day? Isn't that an oxy moron. Sick days are hte worst. So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Get lots of rest and relax as much as you can with that little one running around