Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jon and I

1. Where did you meet? Well I guess when his was visiting his cousin David many years ago. Wendys i'd have to say that we BOTH remember.

2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? "Man he's hot!"

3. Do you remember what he was wearing? A Wendys uniform

4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? I honestly dont know! I think probably in his car as he was dropping me off.

5. Where did you go for your first date? I honestly have no clue!! Oh i am horrible!!

6.How long did you know this person before you became a couple? 4 months

7. How did he ask you out? Honesly? I cant even remember our first date!!

8. Has this person ever proposed to you? yes twice

9. Do you and this person have kids together? yes two cute boys

10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? Yes Speeding!

11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person? When i was working the drive thru window and he drove through and tossed a pen at me.

12. Do you get along with his family? The family or their ways?

13. Do you trust this person? DUH I'm married to him.

14. Do you see him as your partner in the future? Of course We have two kids and love each other.

15. What is the best gift he gave you? Matching wedding bands so that it was even!( not just the one band, one on both sides)

16.What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves? He sleeps with his socks on and kicks them off in the night then gets mad at me when he has no clean socks when in fact they are all stuffed in the bottom of the sheets.

17.Where do you see each other 15 years from now? Hopefully with a Daughter.

18. What causes the most arguments? money

19. How long have you been together? 4 YEARS AND 2 MONTHS.

20. Are you married? duh.

21. Who do you tag? katie, audrey,heather .

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I was able to go see Twilight at the midnight showing and I don't regret a minute of it other than it is so much better the second time and maybe that is because you are not half asleep!

I was so excited to hear today that they have announced that there will be New Moon in the making!!!!I cant wait!

OK so Edward is so hot!!

I think that they did a great job with the casting! The only person I had a hard time with was Carlisle he was a little much for me. But Emmett was great and Alice was PERFECT! Bella Blinked a little too much for me thanks to Jamie pointing that out!!! If you haven't seen it yet you should at least to see Edward!!!!
(P.S. For those of you that know I hate bella so badly but she was great in the movie but I have to admit that i'm worried about New Moon thats when she is the worst!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Build a Baby?

Now days I think we are all being very careful with how we are spending our money. Well if you are ever bored or need something to do just for fun thats free go to Build a Bear and dress up with the wigs!!!

The little Girl

The perfect bob

Mullet, Rockstar or just a Bad haircut?

Asian baby?!?!?

Now I know some of you are wondering if we were also able to stuff him the answer is no, he is just fluffy naturally!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I've waited seven years for this!!!!

I have wanted to dye my hair dark brown since I was in high school and today I finally did it!!!! I just have to say that I love it and it is so different to me and a HUGE change.

So know you have seen me both Blond and Brown So which do you like better? Should i stick to blond or be brown for a while?!?!?
(p.s. don't mind the self portrait!!)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Great for a Laugh!

Jamie bought these Binky's for the boys as a treat for Halloween. I just love how you can help but laugh at them!

Brody isn't so sure when everyone is looking at him with it in but when no one is paying attention he loves it.

Dax doesn't care one bit if everyone is looking at him a Binky is a Binky to him right now.

This was the funniest picture we got of Brody, He was a monkey for Halloween and the "teeth" went perfect with his costume!

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween and got lots of treats, we sure did!!!