Here is a picture I took at 4 am of sweet little dax playing!
so anyways we were up all night entertaining this baby. Once brody got up we went upstairs to see if Santa had come and HE HAD!!!!!
Brody was so excited to get his new camera!
Daddy and Daxie
Brody got some new view master reels and was super excited!
The first present that dax got is the only one he wanted to open, he screamed and cried if we tried to take it away for another one to open, at this point we know some thing is up. So we finish opening presents and then I head downstairs to get ready to go to when my mom comes down saying that Daxies ear drum burst and that its leaking blood and puss. Well we sit there and try to decide if we should go to the ER or if we think its ok to wait to go to the dr in the morning. We gave him some ear drops and motrin and he seemed to be fine so we waited. We Then went to see Sherlock Holmes and go as a family to Aarons Grave, Wow that was really hard but it was good because most of us hadnt been back since the funeral. Daxie is good and so is the rest of the Family. We hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year! And I cant WAIT for Hawaii!!!!!!! I know you are all SO jealous!