Monday, May 19, 2008

Dog verses Rawhide....... Rawhide wins

I have never been so sad as I have been today. Jaxson was playing with Haylie and we noticed some blood but there had been no yelp or any noise so we didn't know where it was coming from, I later look and see a HUGE cut above Jaxson's eye and as I started to examine the damage I see it is about a half inch long and and about a forth of an inch deep. I then begin to freak out because we didn't know where it had come from. I then begin to think of what it could be from when I notice that there is a rough piece of Rawhide on the floor with a little bit of blood on it. So Doug and and I clean the wound and put some neosporin on it and make an appt to go to the vet. Two hours later I am told that its so deep he has to have stitches inside and a few staples on the outside. Here are a few pictures......

The vet confirmed that the cut was from jumping up to get the rawhide from Haylie and it punctured the skin then tore it open. I now recommend that you DO NOT give your furry friends these rawhides for they can be dangerous!


The Wiseman's said...

The cut didn't seem to bother him last night when he jumped in the car to give his auntie Missy a hello lick! Glad he is doing better poor lug nut!

Chelsey said...

Oh how sad! I hope it heals fast. Poor doggy!

Unknown said...

aawww poor baby!!! I agree some of those toys can be dangerous! He's such a cutie I hope he is feeling better!

Audrey said...

So I came across your blog recently! I'm so happy I found it!
I thought I would say hello, and congrat's with baby 2!! :)

Audrey said...

I loved your comment! Its totally what I think as well. Those women who think they are so "fat" yet they look the same at 9 months pregnant. haha. Congrat's about #2!! Your little man is darling! our kids should hook up! :)