Sunday, May 11, 2008

Random things about myself

* I love Mascara
* I think I am bound to having all boys
* Think that it should be illegal to ride your bike on the street
* Love blogging!
* Thinks Katie should have a baby, NOW
* Cant live without my cell phone for text messaging
* LOVES being pregnant!!!
* Wants a big family
* Afraid of snap dragons
* I love to eat all day ( I never seem to get full!)
* Married my 2ND boyfriend after only 10 months of dating
* Used to take Gracie (the dog) to class with me, My mom never knew!!!
* Love Diet Dr Pepper
* Could eat bean burritos everyday!
* Son sleeps 13 hours at night! and started at a month
* I hate babies sharing things like bottles, cups and Binky's even if they are siblings.
* I've had the same pair of Dr Martins for almost 5 years!
* I love looking at gross medical things like Bot Flies and autopsy's
* I sometimes wish I had a job for a few hours a week


The Wiseman's said...

I am with you about bikes on the street, then they wonder why they get hit!! I love hearing things like this about people. You think you know everything then Suprise!!! I love that little boy of yours, can't wait to see the one in the oven!

Chelsey said...

You love being pregnant?! Well I have to say that is a very positive attitude. I also have dr martins that I've bad for 5 years!

Hacking it up said...

Love your list! I love gory bloody things too! :)

LittlePartyof7 said...

I cannot believe you took Gracie to school.... You are way brave!!! We'll have to remember to take some Starburst to the reunion for some good roasting!!!