Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dax's sleep study

As many of you read in some of my previous blogs I mention that dax had severe sleep apnea and was dropping 83 times a hour. We did a follow up study with his oxygen on and no feeding tube to see if he had improved in the 2 weeks he was home. Here is what his test looked like while he was in the hospital.... He should have a pretty solid line at the 100 mark at the top and as you can see he couldnt stay there at all.

Here is the test he took a few nights ago....

Such a HUGE difference you would think that the chart was upside down but its not he just had a great inprovement which I had expected because the doctors had said that the apnea could be beccuse the tube wasw irritating his throat. I really think this shows that! When the doctor read the study he was so shocked because oxygen doesnt fix the problem like that. I am just greatful that he is doing so well and I hope that soon he can be off the oxygen completely once we do one more study on plain old room air.


Unknown said...

Wow what an amazing improvement! I'm so glad to hear that he is doing better and progressing so well! I hope you are getting some rest :)

Chelsey said...

I'm so glad that he is doing better and your worries going away. He is so cute.

schaars said...

Yeah for little Dax I am so glad that he is improving. So in answer to your question yes I am so excited that Katie is prego its about time!! And no its not bringing any feelings back and making me want to get prego to if anything it is reminding me of my nine months of sickness! We also want to move before we have 2 kiddos we have filled our house to the brim with baby stuff. I know it is all worth it in the end, but for now we are happy with our little Sienna.

Paul and Rachel said...

Yay for little Dax!! I'm so glad that he is improving. I hope the next test that he is done with thsi crazy time completely.

Jamie Nicole said...

I love that little baby. I had so much fun holding him and lovin on him last night! I hope he's feeling better!!